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Writer's pictureKamera Clips

To Edit or not To Edit, That is the Question

You can hear both sides of the perspective of; get it right in camera or

fix it later. However I think there is a happy medium between the two.

While getting it right in camera is the desired. Sometimes when you look

at it later you realize the lighting was a little off, color was ok, etc..

Other times you look at it and want to re-edit it to have more of a painting appeal.

Something I have really got into when it comes to landscapes, nature, street, etc..

Not so much with portraits though because you want clean lines. In any case; photography

is a art and you can do what you want with it. Just because someone says this or that.

The real question is this, Is it a good photo? Does it speak about something? Does

it come "alive" when you look at it? Is it something you could look at 2 or 3 or 20xs and say

"That was really good". If you can do that; its a good photo. If not, its a snapshot but not a memory.

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